Friday, December 10, 2010

Ok girls here are a couple of quick bulk mailing xmas card ideas. All you need is a good versatile double sided pattern paper, your card bases any size you prefer and of course these twiddlybitz pieces;

tweeny bitz xmas tree there are two different sizes in these.

Mirror Christmas tree

I have just covered the chipboard trees in red tinsel embossing powder for this card.

The mirror tree goes in the middle with the black embossed inchies to either side.

The trees are embossed this time in green tinsel powder.

There you go quick, easy and affordable.

Well girls that's it from me this time your next port of call is with the supper talented and lovely Carol Thompson at 10am tomorrow, just make sure your socks are glued on before you venture into her blog.....just saying. xxx


  1. OMG Tracy how fab are you!!! You have done such a fantastic job of your blog hop!! Well done girly. Andrew and I hope you have a fantastic time on the team and the projects you are producing...well...keep them coming in!!!
    Job well done
    Nic and Andrew - Mr and Mrs Twiddleyitz

  2. Tracey I love that layout!!
    oh my at all those Ho's!!
    Almost needs a PG rating!! (lol)
    and just love those cards...those trees are just too cute and very versatile!
    you are one clever chook!

  3. Tracey honey, you have done so well for your first blog hop and I am so proud of you. They are such gorgeous cards and I hope I am top of your Christmas list (no pressure of course hehe), so glad to have you as part of our team and hope your are having fun, Tiff :):):)

  4. bwaaaaahahaaa made you do it! mad you do it :)
    I really like what you did with the torn paper behind the photo... might have to pinch that one :D
