Hi Everyone, today I am going to share with you a couple of my favourite all time bright layouts.
My darling husband always gives me the goofy face for a photo so I decided to scrap this one, love how it turned out.
This layout was inspired by a painting, so I took the interpretation literally and I really love it.
This one I was having a little fun with in my art journal. The background is scrunched up masking tape. I have an obsession with Smith's chicken chips, so I shrinky dinked the chip packet in the oven. After devouring the chips of cause!!!!
OK, Hope you enjoyed my version of Bright and I would like to send you onto the fabulous Lizzy Hill
Leave me a little love in the comments below and I will be doing a random draw for a RAK from me on Tuesday the 17th May.
At the end of the hop please return to
and leave a comment there for a chance in the random draw prize.
Thanks for looking